carolyn allen

March 22, 2013

Story Portrait. Grandad

FILED IN: People

Meet Mike.

Mike is my 87 year old Grandad.

Mike is the ultimate maker. His hands bear scars from decades of construction work and his skin has a permanent tan from many years spent guiding fisherman along the Chassahowitzka River. My entire life, Grandad has looked the same. He’s had the same shiny white hair, worn the same denim shirt and the same cargo shorts. {well, actually that may not be true…I guess he could have multiple denim shirts and multiple pairs of cargo shorts} And for as long as I remember, Grandad has always spent the majority of his time “out back.”

Whenever we dropped by to visit, I would walk in the door, hug’n’kiss Grandma, and ask,  “Where’s Grandad?” And the answer was inevitably the same, “Oh, he’s out back..”

To me, this is how I will always remember Grandad. In his element, “out back.”

Happy Friday, y’all! I’m going to a Bachelorette party for this girl!

PS in case you missed it, check out Meredith from my Story Portrait Part 1.

comments +

  1. Sherry says:

    Love him! He’s the youngest 87 year old I’ve ever know!

  2. Haley says:

    Love this post!

    Made me remember so many fun times with him! Love Love that granddad of ours!

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