carolyn allen

April 22, 2013


FILED IN: Travel

Last weekend, a few girlfriends and I headed to the Suwanee River for a relaxing weekend at a friend’s charming river house. The weather was not ideal, so instead of boating down the river we spent a lot of time watching movies and reading books on the porch.

I forgot my camera, so I challenged myself to only use my iPhone. Here’s the result:

I kind of love the grain that came through most of the images. And I gotta say, it was much more convenient to not lug around my DSLR, but I definitely missed the control I have with my “real” camera. It was a fun experiment, nonetheless!

PS find me at @carolyneallen on Instagram!

comments +

  1. carole says:

    You did very good on that little phone. Looks like you and your friends were in a very secluded and relaxing place. So happy for you to have so many nice friends.

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