carolyn allen

January 30, 2018

Atlanta Newborn Photography | Baby Fischer

FILED IN: Family, People

Y’all already know how special this family is to me. And if you need a reminder, just head to this post.

Last week, I travelled to Atlanta and got to spend the evening and following morning with my dear friends and their new babe. Amanda is now the second of my closest friends to have a baby, and it is truly one of the coolest things for me to witness. The natural transition, the maternal instinct, the fact that my friend is still the same person, just more “her” than I ever knew her to be.. I don’t know if that makes any sense to anyone reading this. But, let me just say, that it has been a privilege to see the grace with which my friends have stepped into their new roles as mothers.

Here’s what I saw one chilly morning in Atlanta with Amanda, Garret, and baby Fischer: 

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